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Angelicbengals PO Box 1581, Cleveland, Georgia 30528  (404) 272-3526


Contract of Sale for Bengal Kitten/Cat

​Date of Birth:________________  Color:_______________  Sex:_____________

Name:________________________________________________  Litter Registration #________________



Sold To:___________________________________________(referred to as buyer)


Phone #:____________________________   Cell #____________________________


Purchase Amount:  $_______________  Purchased as Pet______  Breeder______  Show______

Shipping Amount:   $_______________

Deposit Paid:           $_______________

Balance Owed:        $_______________


     The purpose of the deposit is to insure the purchasers intent to purchase the above described kitten.  This deposit will be applied to the purchase of the selected kitten.  Final payment is due prior to pick up or shipping.  The deposit is NONREFUNDABLE.  Should the purchaser, for ANY reason, change his/her mind about purchasing the kitten, prior to pick up, the breeder has the right to put the said kitten back up for sale.

Purchaser agrees to the following:

​1.  If purchased as a pet, buyer agrees to have the kitten spayed or neutered between the ages of 5-6 months.  Buyer agrees to mail or fax breeder written proof of spay/neuter from a licensed veterinarian.  If proof of spay/neuter is not provided by seven months of age, breeder reserves the right to reclaim the kitten OR, by breeders choice, be paid by the buyer the full breeder price for the kitten.  (Original price of the kitten plus $1500.00).  If the breeder reclaims the kitten, NO money will be refunded.

2.  The buyer accepts full responsibility of caring for this kitten and providing properly for its welfare.

3.  To insure the kittens health you will not allow your new kitten to play with other pets or animals until he/she is checked out by your veterinarian.

4.  This kitten will not be allowed to roam freely outside.  Buyer agrees to keep the kitten in a safe, comfortable, and clean environment.  Buyer also agrees to provide exercise and toys for this kitten, and not to cage it for prolonged periods of time.

5.  The Buyer is responsible for the shipping costs of this kitten.

6.  No guarantees can be made as to the number, color, sex or quality of offspring produced by this cat.  Buyer agrees that no kitten produced by this cat shall be sold to pet shops, pet dealer or their agents, pr auctioned off for ant reason.

7.  Seller will provide TICA registration papers to the buyer for this cat.

8.  I have read the kitten care instructions on the web site and I will email or call immediately if I have any problems.  INITIAL_____________

I have read and agree to all the terms in this contract.


Buyer's Signature__________________________________________________Date__________________


Seller's Signature________________________________________________________​Date__________________



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